About Us
Doing Good While Doing Business
Lura's Kitchen, a Benefit Corporation and a Family Enterprise, grew out of forty-plus years of Luras Baking ministry. It ranged from creating new and exotic cookie flavors to celebrate an achievement by one of her children, making and storing up cookie dough while visiting friends, and making a favored cake for an Elder at church. These were her ways of expressing love and bringing joy in a way that could not be purchased. After many requests and reorganization due to the COVID – 19 virus Lura has launched the availability of a limited line of her most popular cookies in Premium Gourmet Mixes easy to make at home.
- Madear's Old Fashion Teacakes, Premium Gourmet Cookie mix,
- Tura Lura's Choco Chip with Pecan and Premium Gourmet Cookie mix and
- Langston's No-Nonsense Choco Chip Premium Gourmet Cookie mix.
Mixing and baking the cookies are easy, fun, quick, and simple that even kids can participate—all without the mess, hassle, and excess. And there is plenty of cookies to share!
Lura's Kitchen invests personal attention, love, and care of what goes into making the mixes. The skill and experience of our co-packer, Heartland Gourmet, LLC, was critical in our selection for packaging each of our mixes, just as Lura does at home. As a vital partner, Lura's Kitchen wanted vendors vetted that supported our values and beliefs as a company. Heartland, LLC understands the importance of this and helps us with the process to use vendors who do not discriminate and have a company culture that diverse employees want to join. While distribution is key to our success, we will not support stores that do not value or demonstrate a value for diversity in management and employees and the communities that they serve.
We are a Benefit Corporation cause-oriented focused on "doing good while doing business" established to provide a portion of our sales as a benefit back to the communities where we do business. At our start, we pledge a minimum of 2% of our gross sales each year toward education, food inequity, and homelessness in the form of "Sweetness of Doing Good Grants." Please Note: Unfortunately, due to the COVID - 19 pandemic in March 2020, grant applications are suspended. Consequently, awards and grants are suspended this time. Please check back for updates.
Lura's Kitchen has over 60 original recipes and a more than four decades' highly reputable and award-winning baking history.
"The Sweetness of Doing Good" is a remarkable initiative of Lura's Kitchen
Doing Business While Doing GoodWe are a Benefit Corporation cause-oriented company focused on "doing good while doing business" established to provide a portion of our sales as a benefit back to the communities where we do business. At our start, we pledge a minimum of 2% of our gross sales each year toward education, food inequity, and homelessness in the form of "Sweetness of Doing Good Grants."
Please Note: Unfortunately, due to the COVID - 19 pandemic in March 2020, Grant applications had to be suspended. Please check back for updates.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." --Hebrews 10:24 NIV